Now’s the Time to Think of Energy
Let’s harness the power of California’s abundant wind and solar energy. But when demand goes up, clean energy availability goes down. It’s on us to use less energy from 4-9PM and Keep it Golden.

Power Down 4 to 9PM
From 4 to 9PM, energy demand is high, and less wind and solar power is available. By using less electricity during these hours, you can ensure that your energy is coming from cleaner sources.
When To Use Energy
By making a few small changes to your routine you can help create a big change for California. It's as simple as shifting when you use energy.
Total Energy Usage and Availability of Clean Energy
In the early morning just as we start our day and start using energy, California taps into a variety of its clean energy sources that are naturally available.
In the afternoon, as we go through our day and our energy usage continues to grow, California’s many solar power plants come online using the abundant solar potential available, while managing increased demand.

Total Energy Usage and Availability of Clean Energy
In the late afternoon as we come home, our energy use reaches an all-day high just as less clean energy becomes available — requiring the system to rely on more traditional energy sources.
Peak times may vary by rate and/or energy provider.

Total Energy Usage and Availability of Clean Energy
At night as we go to bed, our energy use decreases, just as California’s clean energy produced from wind farms become available.

How To Use Clean Energy
Read these tips to learn how to optimize your clean energy usage.
Power Down From 4 to 9PM
Procrastinators! 4-9PM is your time to shine. Turn off, turn down, and unplug your devices during these hours to ensure you’re using cleaner energy.
Recharge While You Sleep
Recharge your devices while you do the same, so when you wake up your devices are fully charged with cleaner energy.
Hold Off On Chores
Take a break from chores! Wait to start your dishwasher and laundry until after 9PM or the next morning so that you're cleaning with cleaner energy.
Set a Timer
Use timing to your advantage to use cleaner energy. Know exactly when it's available with a simple alarm setting.
Ready. Set. Go.
By setting your thermostat to 68° or lower from 4-9PM in cooler months, you’ll join fellow Californians in saving money and reducing your pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
Get Toasty
Leave the cold outside, and feel nice and toasty at home. Program your heater to turn on and off at the perfect setting while you’re away.