California’s Energy Goals
California has long been recognized as a leader in environmental protection and preservation, and we continue to be an example for the rest of the nation by setting our sights high. The Golden State has committed to a goal of reducing our carbon pollution to 1990 levels by 2030. That’s the equivalent of taking about 5.6 million cars off the road every year and reducing annual emissions from 14 tons to 10 tons per person.
The housing sector, which accounts for 13% of total Bay Area emissions, includes construction and maintenance of residential housing; consumption of electricity, natural gas and fuel oil for residential heating, cooling and cooking; water consumption; and waste disposal.
Home size and energy efficiency of the home are key factors in greenhouse gas emissions from the housing sector.
Total Housing-Related CO2e Emissions. (Metric Tons) per Household
- > 8.47 - 22
- > 7.47 - 8.47
- > 6.82 - 7.47
- > 6.26 - 6.82
- > 5.82 - 6.26
- > 5.33 - 5.82
- > 4.86 - 5.33
- > 4.39 - 4.86
- > 3.8 - 4.39
- 0 - 3.8
What Are The State Policies Driving Our Goals?
The California Public Utilities Commission Decision 13-12-038, issued in December 2013, established that:
Short Term
The Energy Upgrade California® short-term goal is to provide California residents and small businesses with information about energy concepts, programs, services, rates and the benefits of taking action so that Californians:
- begin to understand their energy use, the opportunities available for them to act, and the benefits of their action, and
- begin to take well-informed action to better manage energy.
Long Term
The Energy Upgrade California® long-term goal is for Californians to understand the value of better energy use, demand response and distributed generation, which leads to demand for products, services and rates for their homes and businesses. This demand leads Californians to take actions that save money, increase the installation of customer-owned renewable energy technologies, use energy more efficiently and shift energy use away from peak hours as needed.
See all the exciting ways California is leading the nation in climate preservation and innovation.
Everyone who experiences California, even for a short visit, comes away with an appreciation of our abundant natural beauty. Generations have fought diligently to preserve it, from John Muir all the way to Jerry Brown.
Upholding this responsibility while leading the world in technology is no easy feat. Download our 2018 Field Guide to learn more about our ongoing efforts behind the scenes.

Home Energy Efficiency