Financial Assistance
California residents can receive financial benefits from public and private partnerships throughout the state to improve energy efficiency.
State-Backed Financing Options for Energy Efficiency Projects
Budget-friendly lending options are available to California residents and small business owners interested in financing energy-efficient improvements.
Go Green Home Energy Financing Program (Go Green Home)
Go Green Home is designed to help California homeowners and renters access budget-friendly financing solutions for their energy efficiency projects. These projects can help Californians reduce energy consumption and increase home comfort while supporting the State’s ambitious greenhouse gas reduction goals.
Some of the program’s benefits include:
- 100 percent financing; no up-front cash required
- Broad range of credit eligibility
- No home equity needed
- 30 percent of loan amount can go toward non-energy home improvements
- Reduced project costs with energy service rebates and incentives, as available
For more information about Go Green Home and other financing programs including Go Green Business and Go Green Affordable Multifamily, please visit Go Green Financing.